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Jawline Definition

30 minutes


Jaw Filler London can be the treatment of choice for those that have a weak or unsymmetrical jawline as it can rejuvenate and enhance the shape of the jaw and profile of the lower face. We provide bespoke treatments that are designed to meet individual patient needs, whether you want a more structured and chiseled masculine shape or a more contoured and smoother feminine look.

If you feel your jawline isn't as prominent as you'd like it to be and causing a more noticeable double chin, the non-surgical Jaw Filler Treatment London could be the solution. We can re-create a jaw prominence with dermal filler without the need for invasive surgery.

The results tend to last between 12-18 months whereby the filler gets broken down gradually by the body, allowing it to go back to its original shape. This varies from person to person as it all depends on the individual’s metabolic rate and lifestyle.

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