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Project Manager

Project Manager


Dr. Uri Berger

Dr. Berger is a qualified medical practitioner specializing in aesthetic medicine. He holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the prestigious University of Bologna and has completed his training in Aesthetic Medicine from the National College of Aesthetic Medicine in Tel Aviv.

Work experience

With extensive experience in the field of aesthetic medicine, Dr. Berger has worked as the former director of the aesthetic division in the renowned CARE and Proportia clinic chain. He is highly regarded in the industry and is recognized for his expertise in providing cosmetic treatments that enhance the natural beauty of his patients.

In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Berger is committed to sharing his knowledge and expertise with the next generation of aesthetic medicine practitioners. He serves as a lecturer at the National College of Aesthetic Medicine, where he shares his insights on the latest techniques and advancements in the field.

Dr. Berger's dedication to the field of aesthetic medicine and his passion for helping his patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals have earned him a reputation as a highly skilled and compassionate physician. Patients can trust in his expertise and receive the highest level of care from a qualified and experienced practitioner.

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