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Chin augmentation

15 minutes


The facial structure of the lower face, particularly the chin, is sometimes overlooked despite having a significant impact on the proportion and profile of the face. In some circumstances, the chin appears to be smaller than the other facial features, particularly the nose.

During the aging process, the form of the lower face changes, causing the chin to recede and the jawline to sag and lose volume. This results in the loss of profile balance and harmony of the features of the face. More notably a smaller chin will make the nose look more prominent or oversized, compromising the facial balance.

If you think your chin isn't as prominent as you'd like it to be, or if it's flattening and generating a more apparent double chin, the non-surgical chin augmentation treatment can be a treatment of choice to improve your profile and balance. Without undergoing invasive surgery, we can re-create a chin prominence with dermal filler.

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